Iconic movie moments visualized as Pop Art

Creating a series of print designs based on digital Soundforms of the most iconic unscripted movie moments.

First: What is a Soundform?

Using audio editing software, I capture a visual print of the ‘soundwave’ from a recorded audio track. I then take this soundwave into various design programs and manipulate it, and create a unique design from the wave itself and the theme of the scene it was taken from. The resulting unique artwork is unlike anything else available to commemorate your favorite movies, tv shows or songs!

Why am I doing this?

For most of my life movies have been something of an obsession for me. I love to lose myself the spectacle, get caught up in the characters lives, and be drawn into their stories. As a designer and an artist, I am always tinkering with new ideas and designs, usually just for my own benefit. Recently, however, a design I did for my sister and brother in law based on a digital sound capture generated a lot of interest. Since, I have had several people approach me asking about purchasing prints of my Soundform designs, and if I was planning on making more. That’s how this Kickstarter was born.

I want to set up and print a series of 5 of my designs with a common theme and inspired by the papercraft design work of Eiko Ojala, Brittney Lee, and Yulia Brodskaya

Unscripted Moments:

These moments are entirely unscripted and unrehearsed, but are instead improvised on the spot by amazing actors. Some of the most recognizable lines from our favorite movies were not scripted, but instead made up on the spot, or incredibly lucky mistakes. My project is inspired by and looks to pay homage to these moments. You can find my project on kickstarter!


