This Coffee Table Book is meant to entertain guests and inspire conversation about us: spiritual beings on a human journey. It is a compilation of what I have read, learned from others and reflected upon over the last few years. It echoes what has become my perspective on the Human Soul Experience.

I feel like I have had 2 lives and I am not referring to reincarnation. After going through a medical crisis, my whole life changed. My new life is more challenging but it is simpler, more peaceful, more meaningful and based on the essentials. Creating and designing this Coffee Table Book is part of my new life. I have learned so many life lessons, some of which I share in this book.

I have chosen images from various sources to represent each of the 22 short pieces that I have written on various topics related to our human journey as spiritual beings. My hope is that you will feel inspired to reflect upon your own personal journey as well as our common journey.

I started this project in January 2017. It is now ready to be shared! Because this is a Coffee Table Book, printing costs and shipping fees are the biggest challenges… Pledges from backers will cover these as well as editing costs and campaign fees. My goal is to make this project accessible to as many people as possible for a reasonable price and that is why I need your help.

This Coffee Table Book is original. It is a beautiful decorative piece that will add to any living space. It will also make a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones.

I thank you in advance for sharing and supporting this project. Happy reading!