After its successful launch on 18th of November, eCozy was featured as one of the hot trending campaigns on Indiegogo. eCozy, a startup from Munich, launched its crowfunding campaign on 18th of November, and just in a couple of days received 40% of the needed funding.

Сurrent campaign is the first time the product is being exposed to the worldwide audience. The campaign will last till 19th of December. eCozy was founded in July 2013 & raised investments from business angels in May 2014. Currently, eCozy’s hardware (thermostat and central unit) & software is ready by 75% (expected to be 100% market-ready by Q3 2015). Not less exciting, in Q3 2014 eCozy thermostats were made to be compatible with german smart-home platform (Qivicon, Deutsche Telekom).

“The idea of eCozy appeared after my unsuccessful experience with so-called “smart” thermostats, that didn’t even offer the basic features I expected. – says eCozy CEO, Andre Kholodov. I’ve checked out a dozen of solutions on the market, just to discover that none of them actually offered a good combination of functionality, design and most importantly – usability! Being an engineer myself, I was intrigued by the challenge to come up with a better solution.”

eCozy aims to integrate into rapidly developing IoT ecosystem and bring considerable value to it. “The opportunity was seen, says Lena Pavlichenko (CMO), – and we decided to change the way people perceive such ordinary things, like water radiator thermostats, by showing them that heating solution can help saving costs; be beautifully-designed and easy to use. And yes, our price politics is to be really competitive.”

eCozy team worked hard about a year to design a product that would perfectly fit into the living environment. The eCozy Heating Solution is designed for water radiators/heaters and consists of a smartphone app (for iOS and Android devices), сentral unit and thermostats (one per each radiator).

More info:

Lena Pavlichenko, CMO
+49 (160) 707 9147