Palm Coast, FL — On April 2nd a Kickstarter campaign was launched by veteran comic book illustrator Tim Tyler to fund the latest issue of his horror/monster series, Fiends. Fiends is a 32-page comic book resembling the horror comic magazines of the 1970s such as Warren Publications’ Creepy and Eerie, mixed with the classic Marvel Comics monster titles of the 60s. Every issue features horrific and devilishly humorous tales of monsters, madmen, and mayhem.

It is Tyler’s goal to make the horror genre fun again. “If you can’t have fun with it,” says Tim, “why do it in the first place? I want to produce stories that I wish were on the stands. I want to be entertained like I was at 11:30 on a Saturday night watching my favorite horror host.” Each issue will have a different theme; the first was about nazi-zombies, issue two dealt with the Lovecraftian creature Cthulhu, and the newest magazine will feature stories based on monster films of the past.

This is Tim’s first Kickstarter campaign, and he sees crowdfunding as a helpful way to produce more books and introduce his artwork to new fans, specifically millennials. If the campaign is successful, Fiends #3 will be available in June. His Kickstarter can be seen at:

About Tim Tyler:

Tim Tyler is a comic book illustrator and publisher. He is best known for his ink work on Tim Vigil’s Cuda and Faust, along with a stint on Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar. He was the Publisher at Fathom Press and Doom Theatre, as well as his newest company Shadow Planet. Tim is the creator of Blood Reign, Devil Jack, and Engine comic books.

For more information about Tim Tyler, please visit:

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