The Hockey FilmĀ as imagined by filmmaker Chris Aylward.

What is “The Hockey Film”?

From the love of the sport, The Hockey Film is a full-feature film documenting the lives of real, everyday people who “eat, sleep, and breathe hockey” but don’t make millions doing so.

The vision for this film comes from Chris Aylward, an independent filmmaker, who happens to be a fan, and goalie. The film tells the true stories of various individuals, families, team reps, league commissioners, to owners of local clubs.

Most fans, especially ones of the NHL, will have probably watched their fair share of films on the sport. Why was the movie Slap Shot so popular and imbedded within the hockey culture? It’s simple, because we can relate. It showed a side of hockey that most can relate to, without all the glory and fluff that makes being a professional seem more fictional for most of us. My film seeks to give the average hockey player and fan (who ultimately pays to play or watch in most cases), the light, the mic, and the chance to share true hockey stories we can all relate to.

It’s hockey, at it’s true roots.

The film is dedicated to players and fans of the game, everywhere! Some exciting things to come for the project, and new announcements are on the way! The film has recently launched it’s Indiegogo crowd funding campaign. Any donation would assist the filmmaker in completing film, and would be greatly appreciated. Plus, the filmmaker is giving YOU the chance to become more involved! Please take a moment to check out the campaign, share, support, spread the word! Every little bit helps the film, and you have my sincere thanks for your support!

Be sure to check it out!

Indiegogo Campaign –
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