The 100-year-old Wilmette Theatre, a 501-(c)(3), not-for-profit theatre just outside of Chicago, is facing a critical challenge to its future – the movie industry’s conversion from 35mm film to digital technology. In order for the theatre to survive, it must go digital. From April 1-30th, the theatre will launch a 30-day Kickstarter campaign, which aims to raise $70,000 to purchase and install projection and sound equipment required to show digitally-encoded movies. Without the conversion, the theatre will be out of business.

Donors will be offered a wide range of gifts (year-long movie pass, 3- or 6-month movie pass, Live Events pass, concession coupons, etc.) pinned to the various donation levels if the goal is met. If the goal is met, any additional funds pledged will go towards completing much needed structural updating and repairs to the aging building.

“The Wilmette Theatre must go digital or go dark,” said Fundraising Chair, Mike Flynn. “The math is simple. Movies are a primary source of revenue for us and to get access to movies, we need the digital projectors. So without the projectors, we face not having enough revenue to sustain the operations of this historic theatre. “

Two months ago, Candace Mirza, a Wilmette businesswoman and philanthropist generously donated money through the Jerome Mirza Foundation to convert the projector in one of the two theatres. “My focus with the foundation is to help give the capital to support and create cultural and social resources within our community,” said Candace Mirza, daughter of Jerome Mirza and foundation board member. “The arts is a primary focus for me as it is something that everyone can partake in. The opportunity to support the theatre was something I was happy to do because we need to keep independent, small theatres alive and thriving. The Wilmette Theatre is a cultural center of Wilmette and of the North Shore that benefits everyone in the community. If we do not invest in it, we will lose it.”

“Thanks to the generosity of the Mirza Foundation, not only can we now show first-run movies on that screen, our patrons can attest that the picture and sound quality from the new projector is infinitely better than it was prior to the conversion!” said Linda MacLennan, Theatre Manager.

It’s critical to the financial future of the Wilmette Theatre that the second screen be converted as well.

Pledge your support today and “Help Save The Historic Wilmette Theatre.

About The Wilmette Theatre:
The not-for-profit Wilmette Theater is the premiere multi-arts and performance center anchoring the downtown Wilmette business district by providing vibrant entertainment, education and enrichment for the community. 1122 Central Avenue, Wilmette, IL, 60091. | 847-251-7424.

Community sponsor: North Shore Community Bank
Media sponsor: Make it Better