Hey-Zeus is a four issue mini series written by Stephan Lapin with art by Eddie Nunez .

Our goal is to use Kickstarter to complete Hey-Zeus and to produce a fantastic 26 page book to pitch to Image comics.

We’re relying on your support to make Hey-Zeus the reality we all so very much want it to be.

The Story…

Hey-Zeus is the story of Murdock McGee, a down-on-his-luck columnist is being threatened by a leg breaker hired by the top crime lord to squeeze out the money that Murdock borrowed from them. However, before Murdock receives any serious injuries from his aggressor, his life is saved by a small albino child who runs in and takes a bullet for him. Although the child first appears to be dead, Murdock’s young hero comes back to life in a matter of minutes with an out-of-this-world light show that rejuvenates the boy.

Instead of being scared, Murdock’s interest is piqued, and he attempts to find out more about his savior. The gawky writer soon learns that the lad’s name is Hey-Zeus – that’s “Hey” for “Hello” and “Zeus” like the Greek god. Hey-Zeus then persuades Murdock in fighting the world’s tribulations through pacifism while renewing a his faith in the divine.

About myself:

I am a survivor of two heart transplants as well as a student of NHIA. I spend most of my time practicing the craft of sequential art as well as writing scripts for stories I would love to tell.

About Eddie:

Eddie had been working with Wildstorm/DC Comics doing video games and comic books. Most of Eddie’s time at Wildstorm was spent working on DC Universe Online and Green Lantern video games doing concept and cut scene artwork. Some of Eddie’s comic book credits include working on Lois Lane and the Resistance, Deadpool, Ami-comi, and Fanboys vs Zombies.

About Eleonora

Eleonora Bruni is comic artist and colorist from Italy as well as former student of the International School of Comics.

About Magnus

Martín A. Pérez (AKA MaGnUs) hails from Montevideo, Uruguay, and is a writer and radio host/producer. He has published in print and online, writes articles and columns about roleplaying games, comics and scifi, and hosts a radio show about nerdy stuff (Perdidos En El Eter. Currently, he’s writing and lettering comic books (published three anthologies, among other projects), and writing narrative and flavor text for videogames.

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Thank your for taking a moment to check out our Kickstarter project. You can follow updates here and also follow me on facebook where I’ll be sharing our progress on putting the book together.


contact- Stephan Lapin
email- pootcargo@yahoo.com