Do you enjoy busting out the game at parties? Are the inhumane cards sitting on your shelf getting stale? Tired of other games making light of your unemployment status? Here’s your solution: Help Wanted.

Help Wanted is an adult party game bursting with insane problems that players will compete to solve by using a combination of equally absurd solutions from their hands. You need to get rid of a drunken mob that wants to rage against you? No problem. If you pick me, I have a body building roommate that will take off his shirt and swing around my nun chucks to keep them at bay while we make a getaway with my windowless van and five pounds of candy. If you don’t like muscles and candy, you can always pick the player with a college party raging in their yard. That alone could distract that mob and you’d get to party! (unless you have a thing for windowless vans, you creeper.)

While the over 500 cards included are specifically designed to keep you laughing (usually at things you shouldn’t be laughing about) the story building aspect insures that with each person’s unique way of problem solving and imagination the game will stay fresher longer (like the new Twinkies.) You’d be surprised at the multiple uses of a seemingly mundane sharp stick when placed in the wrong/right hands. “Hey, that’s no way to get elected!” (If I had a nickel…)

Oh, and by the way, EVERY card includes hilarious artwork that is sure to tickle your fancy. As an added bonus, certain Kickstarter backers have the opportunity to leave a short message on the bottom of a card. Who knows what you’ll get when it’s all said and done. Once you match our unique sense of humor with your own, there are no limits to how many times you’ll pee yourself (or others) from laughter. You may think this game is similar to others, but you’d be F.N. wrong. This game is something else, so get on the bus.

Be sure to check out Help Wanted on Kickstarter at