As a speech and language pathologist, I work with children of all abilities. I am constantly on the lookout for the “perfect” book that will entice children who are not naturally drawn to books. My perfect book is a book that has a simple story line with just the right amount of language. It must be fun and engaging, but also realistic so that concrete learners can relate to it. Beautiful illustrations that support language learning and strong characters as role models are a must! Unfortunately, I have found there to be few books out there that meet this criteria.

Meet the main character Susie:

Susie is an adorable little girl with a real life problem. After much trial and error, she comes up with her own solution. Susie is independent, bright, and like all fun children…a little bit mischievous. Susie is not a princess and there is no prince. She does not have magical powers. She does not contribute to gender stereotypes in our culture. Susie saves the day in her own way.

Why you and your kids will love this book:

• You and your child will identify with Susie.

• The language in this book is simple and straightforward- this is the perfect book for new readers, children who struggle with learning language, and children with a short attention span.

• This book is designed to foster early literacy skills in a fun way your child will love!

• This is a short story and can easily be read before bedtime.

• It will have beautiful illustrations that help bring the story alive.

• It includes bonus activities and ideas in the back of the book that help target specific language skills.

My Goal:

To raise enough capital to cover quality illustrations, the first round of printing and shipping of the book. I have an illustrator lined up but the process is slow and costly.
