2123486_1410491291.7341Christmas time is right around the corner, and everyone will be with there family celebrating an amazing holiday. This year I am unable to pay to go home, as travel expenses are ever higher. However I have a solution to this, if you are able to help me with it. I am trying to raise money in order to be able to go home and be with my family during Christmas. I am in Hawaii and my family is back in Florida, as insure you are well aware this is not only a extremely long distance, but the price for such a travel is really high this time of year. In life family is my everything and it would mean so much to me to be able to see them this Christmas. I have set up a GoFundMe campaign to help raise the money.

You can go to the link www.gofundme.com to donate if you are able to help. Any donations are greatly appreciated. Any help I can get with this will be just absolutely amazing. The fund raiser will be going on until the middle of December in hopes that I am able to get as close to the goal as possible. Christmas time is all about family, seeing them, being there to support one another, love and giving. It is a perfect time of year, which is why I want to spend it at home with my family. There is nothing better in this world than to be with your family. I ask that everyone that see this, if they are able to, donate. If they are unable to I ask that you forward this and share it so as many people as possible see what I am trying to do. Once again the link is www.gofundme.com and anything you can do id greatly appreciated. This will be answering my one and only Christmas wish.