Hi I’m Sebastien. I’m 18 years old and currently in treatment for recovery from addiction and depression. I’ve struggled with these diseases for several years. It has ruined my life and the life of those I love and care for. My depression started when I was young, in middle school. I was bullied, rejected, and excluded from my friends. This depression continued for many more years and eventually reached a point where I could not handle the pain any longer.
At the age of 15 I had my first suicide attempt. This served as the beginning of a long road of depression, self harm, and eventually drug use. I turned to drugs to cope with the pain and emptiness that depression gave me. This drug use soon got out of hand and I found myself heavily addicted. This addiction went on for several years, causing loss and destruction of everything and everyone around me. I lost all of the people I loved because of my actions.
Through these years I dealt with my depression, loneliness, drug addiction, gambling addiction, and sex addiction.
This lifestyle brought me nothing but pain and misery. After going through hospitals and rehabs I still could not seem to stay clean. Then finally I reached my bottom and overdosed. This was a wake up call for me, and helped me to realize that my days of using and abusing were over.
I’m now in recovery, working the 12 steps of AA with a good sponsor. I’m learning to live a life free of addiction and depression. But in order to do so I have to go through treatment centers, rehabs, and sober living environments.
These places are extremely helpful and beneficial, but they’re expensive. My family has already given me so much, including thousands and thousands of dollars in order to pay for my recovery. They don’t deserve to have to give even more. So I’m asking for your help to give me anything you can so I can afford to go to these treatment centers and recover. Anything you can give helps. I am eternally grateful for all of you. www.gofundme.com
Thank you.