My name is Mat. First of all I want to apologize for keeping my profile a bit more anonymous. But the purpose of my mission requires that, in order to be successful. I have spent many years of my life, working in Marketing and sales. My work has always been profit- and money-driven.

Over the last two years I have developed a very strong urge to change my work life to do something meaningful , something with purpose.  Knowing that this would require a major change in my entirr life and especially my education.

Finding possible ways to do something meaningful for society, which would also be able to pay my bills, was not an easy task. More or less accidentally I finally found the answer to that question.

It happened when I recently was reading a journalistic article, which really upset me. It made me angry and I felt I should be able to do something actively, to help justice take place. It was an article about child pornography and other crimes against children.

The fact that human beings are doing horrible things to innocent children, is terrifying. That needs to stop. I have decided to fight crimes against children. That might be through work for police forces, government agencies or other organizations. Depending on the possibilities and opportunities.

But whatever the possibilities and opportunities might be, they will require a good an solid skill set. For being successful and effective at this mission, there is the absolute necessity for me to receive a specific set of professional hitech education.

Since hitech education is not cheap and I have not had the opportunity to build savings, I am reaching out to this community to help me to protect children, by lending or donating money for the educational cost.

Choose from three different options for you to support this meaningful and important mission for the safety of children:

1. You donate
2. You lend without financial interest
3. You lend with financial interest

Please help me to receive the needed education, in order to do something important and meaningful to society, to all of us.