Naturally You! LLC is a U.S. based company dedicated to helping people live healthier lives through science based natural supplements and other essential daily products. Naturally You was founded in 2013 and officially launched in August of 2013 with one goal in mind to help people live healthier lives through natural means. We strongly believe that nature has the key to health and our focus is to bring nature’s remedies and solutions to the many illnesses that plague society to those individuals searching for answers.

My journey down the natural path began many years ago, when I started looking into natural remedies with a little skepticism. I don’t doubt their power anymore. As a father of a son with Asperger’s Syndrome I was at a lost last year. Doctors kept telling me and my wife that we had to put him on medication and we didn’t feel that was the right course to take. We came across the science behind NRF-2 activation, we found research linking NRF-2 activation with autism symptom improvement. We found a company for sale that had a NRF-2 activator and we tried it. Our son improved within the first week of taking it. We bought the company and launched Naturally You so that we could help others in similar circumstances.

NRF-2 activation has been shown in research to help with conditions ranging from Autism, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Obesity, Cancer, MS and many other conditions. My wife and I have seen a huge reduction in our stress levels and ability to cope with things better through the taking of our NRF-2 Optimizer.

Two months ago we added a product known as Female Balance, which is a natural and organic PMS remedy for women. The product is formulated to reduce and eliminate PMS symptoms as well as symptoms associated with Menopause. This product has been on the market for over 10 years and those who use it love it.

Our products are currently sold in various countries, with the majority of our customers returning to purchase again and again. We need to be able to get our products in front of more people! We are seeking $75,000 to launch an ad campaign that can compete with the pharmaceutical companies who throw millions of dollars every year into advertising to drown out the small nutraceutical companies with scientifically validated products.

The current proposals that we’ve received are ranging from $10,000 to $15,000 per month in order to be aggressive enough to compete. We plan on taking $57,000 of the raised funds to put towards marketing while keeping out $18,000 in reserve to replenish our inventory as sales begin to come in.

Those who help us in this endeavor will be helping us spread the message that drugs are not always the answer. That there are natural sources available that work that cost way less than your average prescription.

Our products can be seen on the following websites:

Your help, if you should decide to join us on our crusade will potentially save the lives of thousands of people.
By spreading the message of our product line and the science behind it we can help people live better. We’ve already helped hundreds of people throughout the world who swear by our products.

As a business consultant and coach I’ve worked with countless companies helping them develop their business plans and objectives. I’ve worked with nutraceutical companies helping them develop their sales and marketing strategies. We can grow Naturally You with the proper infusion of capital, which this campaign will do.

Please share our campaign with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!