I want to launch a non-profit making organization that will help in solving unemployment. I will start with those in rural areas by teaching them farming skills and how they can organize themselves into groups to get loans. The organization shall be helping them by organizing them into groups and drafting business proposals that shall be sent to relevant organizations that can give them resources for their farming projects.

The second initiative is to teach youths soft skills that can earn them money. In relation to this, the organization will be looking for market for youths’ products that they make in their groups. The organization intends to teach youths skills like craft, sewing, and farming and looking for the market of the produce through linking with potential buyers.

The third initiative is to launch and advertise a website that shall collect freelance jobs like graphics and web design, article writing, transcription, and other jobs that require soft skills. The website shall create employment for many youths who have completed school but failed to get employment.

The internet has provided a great platform where youths can have income. With soft skills like graphic design, article writing, and transcription, one can make an income. With these skills, they can get freelance jobs on the platform.

My mission is not regional. The website will be a forum for people all over the world. Hence, it shall be very helpful to most youths in developing countries. It will also be in line with SDG goal 4 on sustainability.

I am also looking for partners in this project. Since this is a long term project with several avenues, I would like to have partners who shall aid in the wellbeing of the organization.

Kindly help me to achieve the goal. This is a project to give back to the society and shall solve major issue facing the youths. Even if it won’t save in totality, It will change the lives of the beneficiaries in totality. secure.changa.co.ke