My name Christian Torrez and ever since I was little I have wanted to perform. I first found and enrolled myself in a theatre class at about 10 and spent all of my free time practicing singing and dancing. When I was 15, I found a beautiful performance school by the name of Idyllwild Arts. I worked, printed out forms, and with financial support from my mother I’ve been able to attend for two years. I’m 17 now and my family has hit a rough patch. My stepfather, who served in Iraq, was released from the Army due to military cutbacks and the American Government gave us literally 10 days to move off the base and out of our house. Over summer vacation, my family moved three times from place to place as we tried to stay on our own two feet. Finally, as this coming summer approaches, we are gaining some stability.

However, my family can no longer afford my education at Idyllwild Arts. To keep attending, the financial office has given me an ultimatum of $3,500 or I will not be able to return for my junior year. This school truly means so much to me. Idyllwild Arts has changed my life and I have never been dedicated as I am now. I have always been willing to lay everything down on the line for my passion, but I am losing hope as a deadline approaches. Please help me continue my education and keep my place at Idyllwild Arts. Every little bit helps. <—- My Donation Page