Have you ever wished to see the zodiac personified in human form?

The Horns of Capricorn, the Bow of Sagittarius. Each of the Zodiac have their own personalities, traits, and characteristics. Our hope is to redesign these historic mythical aspects into something new and innovative while keeping what they classically represent in place.

We’re coming to Indiegogo to help pay for a few of our expenses such as

  • Studio Space
  • Make up and Body Paint
  • Compensation for our Models and Volunteers
  • Initial Printing Costs

As backers you can support us in these costs.

Each model will be painted based on the sign’s color, body part, symbol and the sign itself.

For example Aries:
Aries is known for-

The color red
The body part that Aries governs is the face
It’s character representation is the ram
After we paint the model we would put them in a pose similar to the Zodiac’s personality.  We’ll be updating you with more figures and concept art as the weeks go on.

The project is to develop two unique calendars for distribution. We plan on doing an all male and an all female calendar printed on 100% recycled paper, with a digital PDF as well. We are also in the works of putting all of our video shoots on Vimeo for everyone to watch, allowing our viewers to see the process from concept to reality. The funding we receive from you, the backers, will help us with costs for renting a studio, paying for make up, and compensating our models and volunteers. The project is an LGBT and it’s Allies run endeavor and we’re giving 25% of our profits to the Denver LGBT Center.

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • Ask folks to get the word out and make some noise about our campaign.
  • Come see us at Denver’s First Friday on Santa Fe, August 1st.
  • Share our story on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr!

Thank you for your time!