By supporting our Crowdfunding campaign it will cover management and production, compensate 1,000 music recording artists, secure hundreds of professional voice-over, and music recording studios across America, and around the world. In addition, your support will aid with compensating songwriters, corporate and entertainment advisors, administrative services, music publishers, new content development featuring many of the same artists on our project, as well as, a full length documentary. The Making Of Heaven Your Way.

In mid 2020 during the height of the lockdown it became clear that Humans are extraordinarily social requiring daily bonding activities and physical interaction. As we witnessed millions of our Fellow Americans suffer falling into depression, despair, and experiencing a sense of utter hopelessness we felt it our collective and personal responsibility to bring forth this project with the hopes of lifting people’s spirit and spreading joy to all Humankind. We’ve banned together with one voice to say, “this too shall pass”.

“As one season of our lives gives way to another, the most important thing in your life is service to another. For in doing so we reflect the philosophy of our Creator and fulfill the very reason we exist on this earth”. A quote by Troy Burns, The Troy Burns Family Quartet, and Bible App narrator.

Edge Studio’s team are experts in the art of voice-over production and education for students around the world. Our role as management and producers of Heaven Your Way is to oversee all aspects of the voice-over production end-to-end:

Interface With Artists, Managers and Record Labels
Identify & Secure Professional Voice-Over Studios Across America
Book Studio Locations Most Convenient For Artists To Alleviate Major Travel
Working With Artists That Own Private Studios To Ensure Matching Specs
Schedule Recording Sessions
Produce All Sessions Live Online With Artists & Narrators
Daily Review & Quality Control
Mixing And Mastering
Artists Voice-Over Contracts
Artists Payroll
Deliver Final Product To Clavax the App Designers
Data Tags For U.S. National Archive