Grimwood Crossing is a Supernatural western comic book. It takes place in the town of Grimwood Crossing, one of the biggest towns in the old west. Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies are part of the everyday struggle for the townsfolk. That’s why Grimwood’s Sheriff also has the added job title of monster hunter. It’s a dangerous job so a replacement must always be arranged. With the help of his young, scat-talking apprentice, the Sheriff must fend off a vengeful outlaw with demonic powers.

In the end, the story will be six issues. For this campaign, we are producing a Kickstarter exclusive volume of issues #1, #2, and #3. The 3 issues total 70 pages. There is also a Special edition being offered. In this edition you will get pinups from guest artists, concept art, an extra 3 page comic made my the creators of Grimwood Crossing, a short prose story about a fan favorite character and much more!

The campaign will have rewards such as:
– Custom illustrations based on your likeness.
– Original hand drawn pages from the comic
– Handmade wood burnt signs.
– Be a reoccurring character.

All rewards are limited. So first come first serve!

There are also live drawings by the artist of the book. Every backer is entered in a raffle to win these drawings. Every dollar pledged is one ticket in the raffle!

What press is saying about Grimwood Crossing:

” It’s comics like Grimwood Crossing that are an awesome alternative to the same old superheroes.” – Greg Thomas-

“I see a lot of promising artwork and a lot of promising storytelling coming out of this series. I hope it goes well beyond 6 issues.” -Dusty Good – Undercover Capes Podcast

The Campaign ends on July 15th and fulfillment is expected to be completed by the end of August 2017.