A one man army creator is attacking the space with gags and references to the nerdy science-fiction culture to promote his KS campaign.

This “ideaman” is bringing is game to life with a full feature (12m) video presentation of his project, a full inertia space simulator. Using humor and taking himself not seriously at all, he hope to engage people and bring them to his side during the adventure of finishing his first video game release.

After six month of design and three iteration of the game concept, this spatial piloting game is ready to go a step further.
Eric is a curious and persistent in is quest to become a independent game designer. His creativity is limited only by his financial situation, which is the same as any indie developer, really precarious.

To support his campaign, externals videos starting by one minute punch lines parody the eternal “supplemental” that any captain do on any “Star Trek” franchise episode. They are available on the KS page as well as his YT channel an answer questions and reveal more about himself, for those who are curious. Also, he manage a twitter account and the Facebook official page of SGT.

To boldly go where everybody has gone before, but with a funny twist.