Who: Goon Squad Clothing was created by three young men with a vision of a community connected by their unique clothing. By actively pursuing their dreams they have accomplished set goals and began launching their business.

What: Goon Squad Clothing produces various high quality clothing items that help their customers stand out through the use of original, stylish, and unique designs. The products they produce will not only give their consumers a sense of style and comfort but also a sense of distinction among their peers.

Where: Goon Squad Clothing is based in Minneapolis, MN; however, the Goon Squad community can be found across the globe.

When: Goon Squad Clothing was founded in early 2015, and their website and store are set to be released later this year.

Why: More than anything, the foundation of this company was to create a community in which one can be an individual but also have the ability to rely on another. Their goal is to connect people who are sick of being held back by traditions that limit them from paving the way for their own future.

Goon Squad Clothing Kickstarter

Goon Squad Clothing is built on the idea that anyone from any walk of life can achieve happiness and success through hard work and a positive attitude. Our purpose for creating this business is to create a community in which people can thrive as individuals working together. The clothing we produce is the unifying factor that we provide to make this dream a reality. Our original, unique designs are not only considered to be the forefront of fashion but also aid in giving our consumers the mentality they need to stand out and succeed in all aspects of life.


the author

Goon Squad Clothing produces various high quality clothing items that help their customers stand out through the use of original, stylish, and unique designs. The products they produce will not only give their consumers a sense of style and comfort but also a sense of distinction among their peers.