Comedian Devyan DuMon to Join Cast of an Epic West Coast Motorcycle Road Trip Documentary.

Show creator and executive producer Peter Bisson announced recently that his good friend and professional comedian “Radio” Devyan DuMon will be joining him on the 4 thousand mile motorcycle road trip this June. The producers of the documentary currently titled Long Way Around: L.A. to Vancouver to Minneapolis are excited this dynamic performer will be adjusting his touring schedule to be a part of this epic journey.

For more information regarding the project and the IndieGoGo campaign currently underway to fund this amazing documentary please visit the link above and check out travelingtatankas travel blog for updates. It promises to be an entertaining and inspiring journey. The journey begins May 30th 2015 in Los Angeles.

If you’d like more information about this project, or to schedule an interview with Executive Producer Peter Bisson, please feel free to contact