March 10, 2015, Greenwich, ConnAlternative News Media Russia Insider ran by volunteers from around the globe is launching a crowdfunding campaign to challenge the mainstream media coverage of international politics in general and Russia in particular.

Started less than 6 months ago by an American expat in Moscow Charles Bausman at his kitchen table, Russia Insider has seen rapid readership growth, proving the huge demand for alternative news and massive disbelief in the mainstream media. In just five months, the website had more than 90,000 daily page views and continues to grow at a rate of 20% per month.

By now, the website is run by 50 volunteers, mostly from North America and Western Europe. Among regular contributors are Pepe Escobar, Gil Doctorow, Vera Graziadei and Edward Lozansky. The media outlet also aggregates news about Russia from the Internet and encourages active discussions about them, making it a must read for anyone interested in foreign politics and events in Eastern Europe.

Russia Insider publishes the stories mainstream media don’t want to cover, investigates and analyzes the reasons behind the topics and opinions promoted by major newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post. It represents the voice of the people tired of the biased and inaccurate picture painted by newspapers controlled by large corporations and hungry for the balance of information and fact based journalism.

“We’ve been really floored by this outpouring of talent and initiative from all over, and we want to build on it. We want to hire journalists and drill down into stories we don’t have the resources to write about. We see so many excellent subjects every day crying out for coverage.” said Mr. Bausman.

The editor plans to use Russia Insider to delve deeper into US foreign policy, the NSA scandals and whistleblowers in general, the tires between the media, governments and the defense industry, to identify the lies, deconstruct and destroy them.

To bring the website to the new level and to attract more experts who care about the peoples’ right to know, Russia Insider is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter on March 10.

The team wants to introduce rolling crowdfunding, giving the power into the reader’s hands. Russia Insider promises complete transparency about its budget and offers, as one of the perks, a membership in the Editor’s Circle. The Kickstarter backers will be able to suggest topics to investigate and to participate in the future developments of the website.

Russia Insider founders see crowdfunding as a tool for community engagement and an opportunity for citizens to fight against government propaganda for the freedom of information.

To learn more about the crowdfunding campaign, visit the project’s page on Kickstarter:
The company’s website:

Contact Russia Insiedr by email: or by phone 646-736-1281
The company’s address: 15 E. Putnam Ave. Greenwich, CT, 06830