“Garbage Girl: The Webseries” is an independent film series aiming to blend environmental themes with comic book-style story lines.

Through the eyes of our hero, Garbage Girl, we march through real world environmental issues each episode as more is revealed of our dark hero. The concept of Garbage Girl originated in a graduate experimental film class at Hunter College where director Christopher Nostrand (MFA student) created the first episode for a class assignment. His friend producer Daniela Florez (Garbage Girl) instantly jumped at the idea of portraying the character of Garbage Girl herself and thus the rush of ideas of where the duo could take the concept of Garbage Girl began.

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In future episodes Garbage Girl becomes toxic, battles “Deep Fry Guy,” grows a “green thumb,” disrupts a lumber jacking, and more! Episode #1

“Daily Consumption” is released and viewable online which tackles the concept of individual routine waste. Currently, Garbage Girl Films seeks your support on their new Kickstarter Campaign to produce these future episodes, which ends on:

February 21st at 5:00PM EST.

Kickstarter & Episode #1 Link: kck.st/1jB0Z2v

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