I’m trying to start a gaming niche website using WordPress and Bootstrap. With what I want the website to have other methods may have to be used to get the end results. Currently working with a web development/design company on this project as well.

Project: Gamesters Utopia
Project Details: Gamers Utopia is going to be a gaming niche website which will be focusing on a mixture of Social Networking (ex. Facebook), Livestreaming (ex. Twitch.tv), Video Uploading (ex. Youtube) and Auctioning (ex. Ebay).

The main purpose of the website is to function like a Social Network (ex. Facebook) where visitors create a login account and create a personal profile where they can give some bio about themselves (ex. birthday, relationship, gender, work/education, etc.) and where they can update their status which goes to the news feed on the homepage like Facebook. Also with their personal account they can upload photos, videos and a list of what they are selling within the auction so other users can see them when they visit each others profile as well as accept and send friend/follow requests. Basically all the functionality if possible of a Facebook profile but including a extra section thats not available to the public where they put their auction info and settings like what you would see when you go to your ebay account summary. So in other words its like a merger of a facebook and ebay profile but with the ebay info not publicly seen and both sharing the same password but can have different usernames. So unlike the standard Facebook users will be able to place items for auction and sell them like on Ebay but all on the same site. Also on the homepage like Facebook where the user and all the people there friends with statuses update the news feed I would like a “New Listing” feed to be placed beside it so users can also see new auction listings as they are being created (that’s where the BuddyPress/Auction plugins come in and probably some coding). Also I want it like Facebook for example where users can create groups and with these groups they can accept members/followers to grow their fan base, upload pictures and videos but also can livestream will there gaming will their members can watch ((ex. Twitch.tv, USTREAM, etc.) thats where the VideoWhisper Live Streaming Integration come in and probably some coding). Also within the create groups users will have the function to monetize their videos as well as have a recent uploads feed on the main page under the new listings for the auctions ((ex. Youtube) thats where Video Tube, WordPress Video Gallery, VidoCraft WordPress Theme and/or some coding comes in). So in other words with the groups it should seem like a merger of Twitch.tv and Youtube with the current functions of facebook groups.

So the website should seem like a Social Network site (ex. Facebook) merging a eCommerce site with shopping cart/checkout (ex. Ebay), Livestream site (ex. Twitch.tv) and Video Upload site (ex. Youtube) all in one.

Websites functionality by percent:
Social Network: 45% (ex. Facebook) which the site will mainly be).
eCommerce : 35% (ex. Ebay) users can place auction listings and checkout using paypal, authorize.net and etc.)
Livestream : 20% (ex. Twitch.tv) users can watch while group admin livesteams their gameplay). Livestream function can only be used within users created group.)
Video Upload : 20% (ex. Youtube) users can upload and monetize their videos) Monetize function can only be used within users created group).

Accepting donations here!!!

Thanks for your support!!!!