Galaxy Cards are a very philosophical concept. One that is best learned by watching their excellently made video on the Galaxy Cards 2nd Edition Kickstarter page. If you like sci-fi, I can’t recommend it enough. You will journey to different galaxies, other dimensions, and think as aliens may think in another time, and maybe even another dimension!!

If you love space, playing cards, science, philosophy or design, Alien Ink is the playing card company for you!! Since the beginning of their Kickstarter career, they have released 3 decks. Their level of detail and choice of stylistic components has set them apart from every deck of cards in the world, and comments from people that own their decks have ranged from, “I’ve collected cards my whole life, and this is the coolest deck I have ever seen.” to just “Who are these people?”.

Reviews of their decks on Youtube, have gotten amazing testimonials, every one of them recommending that you go out and pick one up. So do I!

Alien Ink has always prided themselves as an innovator, and has helped shape the landscape of the Kickstarter custom deck arena. Their second deck was ‘Flowers’. Soon after the Flowers deck successfully funded early this year, showcasing flowers as the suits, a new deck from another company popped up trying to use vegetables as suits. Unfortunately the vegetable deck didn’t fund. It’s hard to get people to eat their vegetables.

Since the release of the Galaxy Cards 1st Edition, designers have had a much stronger focus on the importance of innovation in regards to the pip design, (Pips are the little symbols of a spade, heart, etc.) and Alien Ink has had a clear influence on the community as a whole. Custom decks prior had stayed very close to home in regards to pip design. This was something that people were paying attention to, and Kickstarter decks were never the same.

There is a strong focus at Alien Ink, on making decks that are a great utility for magicians and cardists. There is a strong focus on making the deck look amazing in a certain way, and noted magicians and cardist have even invented cardistry maneuvers to showcase the unique features of their card designs.

The first deck released by Alien Ink, featured pips that threw out the standard pips, used for hundreds of years, and featured celestial objects as suits. They used the Sun, the Moon, Earth, and a beautiful ringed red planet that they affectionately named ‘Gleeza’. This made for some upset traditionalists who claimed that you can’t just ignore hundreds of years of tradition and make up your own suits.

But Alien Ink did. On August 11th 2012, Galaxy Cards funded at just over $5,600. And it made for some interesting hands in your favorite game. You might win a hand of Poker with an Ace of Moons, and an Ace of Earth!! You might get a Sun flush!! Instead of playing ‘Hearts’, you could play ‘Suns’! Instead of playing Spades, you could play ‘Moons’! And so the dialogue started with Alien Ink at the helm.

The second deck released by Alien Ink took another approach, one that let traditionalists insisting on the standard Hearts, Spades, etc and those that wanted yet another new experience, something completely new and never done before. The Flowers deck featured the standard suits, but they have morphed Flowers into the shape of those suits. Or did they morph the suits into flowers? At a glance it was easy to tell that you had a 10 of Hearts, but upon closer inspection, you could see that the Heart looked just like a red rose!!

And now the second in the Galaxy Cards series is here. Getting to a full 70% on it’s first day of funding, it is clear that people are looking for something new, and they are getting it with Alien Ink’s innovative decks. Check out their kickstarter campaign, and sit back with a snack while you watch their feature video explaining that with a deck of Galaxy Cards, you are winking across all of time and space, and even into other dimensions.

Alien Ink has a diehard fanbase, and you can check out their newest project here: