Mladen R. from Writer To Writer is raising funds to develop high-quality educational videos to help beginners write their fist novel.

The funds are being raised via Indiegogo with the goal set at $2000. For every $5 donation, a 50% OFF coupon for the course will be awarded, while $10 or more donations ensure a free access to the lectures. The campaign ends in 30 days.

Funds would be used exclusively for equipment needed to produce high-quality lectures. We need your help in reaching our goal, and you can do it in two ways: donate $5 or $10; share our campaign with your friends and family members who would consider donating or sharing our campaign further.

The goal of the project is to teach beginners how to write a novel, covering all the stages from preparation, through plotting and writing, to publishing their novel. The course would offer great instructor-student relationship and would provide students with the possibility of publishing their stories at Writer To Writer blog. The course would include many video materials and articles that would help enrich students’ knowledge.

Writer To Writer is a promising blog that is just starting to grow, with ambition to become one of the leading sites helping new writers in their journey. The goal of our project as a whole is to connect writers, readers and people who would like to start writing but don’t know where to start. Our mission is to make it easy for everyone to find their voice and start doing what they dream of.

Preparation for the course is complete, the production will be starting as soon as the funds are raised, and the course is due to be published at the end of May or the first week of June.

Contact Information:

Mladen Reljanovic