The Funding Is Out There! needs $5,000 to help with final editing and marketing costs to spread the word about this tremendous resource to small and medium business owners and those that serve them.

The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business, which will be published by Morgan James Publishing, considers how time-consuming and disheartening the search for business funding can be. A number of studies show that small business owners point to the lack of capital as one of their biggest obstacles. Seeking funding can cause frustration, anger, doubt, and even depression among business owners. But it does not have to be this way.

The Funding Is Out There! Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign will use the $5,000 raised in the campaign to cover $1,200 in editing costs. $3,800 will be used to pay for online and offline marketing costs, the overwhelming majority of which are the author’s responsibility. Because the author is a finance and operations, not marketing, expert, the funds will help reach all those business owners that have difficulty obtaining business funding primarily because they simply are not aware of all the options that exist, do not know what funding source best fits their business, or do not know how to pursue the source.

Tiffany C. Wright, the author of The Funding Is Out There! Access the Cash You Need to Impact Your Business says, “This book grew out of the experiences I had advising small business owners and speaking to owners after conferences and seminars. It contains information that increases the odds for entrepreneurs and business owners of obtaining the financing they need to grow their businesses. The Funding Is Out There! includes step-by-step options based on business type and stage of growth. It also provides advice that enables owners and entrepreneurs to optimize their banking and investor relationships.”

The Funding Is Out There! Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is offering perks that build on one another. Crowdfunding campaign contributors receive a shout-out on Facebook and Twitter for $10; plus an eBook for $25; and an autographed softcover copy for $50. Those who contribute $150 receive all of the above plus a 50-minute Skype session to discuss their funding needs; those who contribute $500 also receive enrollment in a 5-week teleseminar on obtaining bank loans and one month of e-mail consulting. All contributors of $1 or more get entered into a drawing for a free 2-month weekly advisory packaged valued at $2,000.

About Tiffany C. Wright (
Tiffany C. Wright is the president of The Resourceful CEO, a firm that provides products and services to small to medium businesses to identify and resolve financial and operational issues from a finance perspective. She is a financial and business advisor to numerous small businesses in industries ranging from technology to distribution to business services. She has an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in Finance and Entrepreneurial Management and a BS in Industrial Engineering. She currently splits her time between Akron, Ohio and Atlanta, Georgia.