Maui, Hawaii – March 4th, 2015 – Anyone who has ever played air guitar knows the dream. Bright lights blazing from above, a dynamic cheering crowd reaching toward the stage, and you – you are delivering a mind-blowing riff from your shiny new Fender. While many merely amuse themselves with the idea, many others see this “dream” as inevitable.

According to the Pew Research Center, there are 875,000 bands in the United States, 2  million musicians make their living with music and 32 million Americans believe they could make money by creating music.

The question for emerging musical artists is, how?

According to Steven M. Schorr, CEO and co-founder of the newest crowdfunding platform for musicians,, “You can’t make money selling music anymore you can’t make money doing a small tour… although you have to tour because that’s the only way you can get yourself out there.”

Now, Schorr and his partners have taken it upon themselves to create their very own crowdfunding campaign on to raise awareness for this new groundbreaking platform and to raise funds for a feature documentary film.  That film will take you on the journey with co-founder Ami Schorr as he travels through music festivals in America to take up the battle with the gatekeepers who control the music industry and spread the word artist to artist.

They are encouraging musicians to send in their own creative 30 second video saying or singing ‘ I SPEAK MUSIC’ to show support for the revolution. The videos will also appear in the film as a music revolution theme.

The Indiegogo campaign started on March 2nd and runs for 40 days. 

Check out the Campaign here:

“We felt strongly that there needed to be a platform for emerging musical artists to advance their careers” Schorr said. A talented musician himself, Schorr sees many artists struggling to make a living despite having plenty of fans. Often these musicians are forced to work jobs that have nothing to do with music in order to make ends meet, taking time and energy from what they do best…making great music.

“There is little support for bands at the beginning of their careers”  he continued.  “All the support goes to the top acts. What we are saying is “go to your fans and ask them for help.”

With this in mind, the Fundabanda team developed an online platform specifically designed for musical artists to connect directly with their fans to ask for ongoing support. “Fundabanda is an innovative technology and approach that contemplates nurturing new music everywhere,” says Schorr. “We aren’t just servicing the top players, we’re bringing people in at the beginning. We believe that emerging musical artists can seek support from those people with whom they already have a personal relationship: their friends, family and especially their fans.”

One unique feature of the site is Fundabanda’s ongoing career-based campaigns.
“The campaign never ends for us,” explains Schorr. “It’s a fan becomes patron process. The fan gives continual support, and it doesn’t need to be much.” Schorr suggests that while an individual fan may only give ten dollars, if they are just one of a thousand fans, the result is significant support for the artist.

For more information visit: & join the “The New Music Renaissance.”