Leila and her friends try a bunch of experiments to give her Force powers. Because who doesn’t want Force powers?

Force Push is about, at its core, nerd culture. Well, that and getting superpowers. But the two sort of go hand in hand. Leila and her compatriots are dead-set on giving her Force powers. They use science (yay science!) to come up with the best methods: meditation, research, and some rather more… dangerous ideas. Who hasn’t thought about using dangerous chemical reactions to grant yourself super powers? Or unlocking the mind through meditation? Or, hoping that some life-threatening trauma will cause your latent potential to activate?

We will be using the funds to pay an editor. I will be matching funds up to $2000, because I really believe in this project and want it to be filmed no matter what. Kickstarter donations go towards having this FINISHED. And paying actors and crew. Because I hear they like it when you do that, and want to keep working with you. We have some great perks available on our kickstarter, as well as a pretty cool trailer and the standard “me asking for money” video. Check it out to see the kind of humor that we use and get an overall idea of the series.

Here’s our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1018670536/force-push-a-nerd-webseries

I (Jacqueline Steiger) am a long-time actress and nerd. I work at San Diego Comic-con, I will tell you that Grand Admiral Thrawn was the best commander the Empire ever had, I can sing both “The Hero of Canton” and “Cruel Angel Thesis” in full, and I wrote a 15-page thesis paper on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. As a child actor I was in movies like Matilda and Dennis the Menace Strikes Again. Acting is my passion, but if I can fuse it with geek-dom (my other passion) and create my own content, so much the better!


This is an ensemble-based show, and we have assembled a fantastic set of characters.

Leila (our hero) is mousy, short, passionate about star wars, and desperately wants Force powers (for less than noble reasons). Tiny but snarky, she is the glue that holds her social group together. Chaotic Good in alignment.

SHANE, Leila’s best friend, is a stoner/slacker. He can hang with the nerds or hang with the cool kids. Conflict amuses him and (when he is not involved) he loves to ‘fuel the fire’ a bit, just for fun. He plays a lot of violent video games, and is a VERY SORE LOSER. His first priority is his own amusement. He definitely has not showered today. He genuinely likes Leila and the rest of the group, but isn’t above playing tricks on them. Shane is the “slacker nerd”. He is Chaotic Neutral in alignment.

Caroline is one half of the disgustingly happy couple-blob that is ”Caroline and Dan”. She is a chubby nerd girl who reads a lot. Caroline is very sweet, nurturing, and ever the peacemaker. Caroline is absolutely devoted to her boyfriend Dave. She was picked on in high school, and might still carry a bit of anxiety in social situations. She is most comfortable in her nerdy group of buddies who play games together weekly. She is the “sweet nerd”. Lawful Good in alignment.

Daniel is the other half of the ‘CarolineandDan couple-blob’. He is extremely attracted to his sweet, nerd-goddess girlfriend, Caroline. Dan is a natural leader, with realistic expectations. He’s even got a car and spending money! The group looks to him to solve disputes. He is as reliable as vanilla ice cream. Caroline is his first ‘real’ girlfriend. He is the “loyal nerd”. Lawful Neutral in alignment.

Malcolm makes the rest of the group look cool. He was definitely home schooled, and strangers think he might have Asperger’s. He is most likely asexual. If anything turns him on, it would be the sound of someone telling him he is correct. He is the nerd that won’t shut up. Smug and judgemental. The “ubernerd”. Lawful Neutral in alignment.

With a special guest appearance by Starchild, who tries to help Leila use meditation to release her Force Potential:
Starchild indulges in hippy-dippy, artsy fartsy nonsense, and loves life. Not only does she collect crystals and believe in astrology, she believes in fairies. Eats organic, practices yoga and smokes weed. Libra. Granola Vegan. Never fully aware of her present surroundings. Chaotic Good in alignment.


For more info on me, check out my website at: http://JacquelineSteiger.com

If you like Sci-fi, tabletop games, video games, and general geekiness, I think you will enjoy our story. Like the trailer? Please donate!