The Electronic Cribbage Board provides a new twist on an age-old game, there are no pegs and all of the hole counting is done for you!

Invented in the 17th century, Cribbage continues to be one of the most popular card games in the world. When friends and family want to spend time together, cribbage is one of the first card games that they reach for. It’s easy to understand why: it’s a fun game with simple rules that people of all ages quickly pick up.

In the past, the only drawback to cribbage has been the small pegs on the traditional cribbage board that often break or get lost. How often have you reached for the toothpick box to get the game going. There is also the issue of the tiny holes along the cribbage tracks that are sometimes difficult to count when you are keeping score, and try to convince your kids or grand-kids that this is cool.

The ECB is also a great way with people with limited mobility can get back into the game!

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