Film Producer Isaac Paul takes on managing a band. “Lionhart” is a concept band that tells the story of a Scottish Shepherd in the 1600’s and his journey to America. Losing his Family in the wreck of their vessel, he washes ashore and falls in with a tribe of Native Americans. Using a single they recorded “Fire in the Sea”, which has been making waves on the radio and in various indie scenes, they are turning to Kickstarter to fund the rest of their album.

Los Angeles, CA (WEB) December 10, 2013 – Independent film Producer Isaac Paul, from Pigeon Tree Productions and Crystal Sky, LLC takes on the music business. “Music has always been a big part of my life, so when lead singer, Marc Schneider played a rough recording of one of his songs from the album for me, I just felt like I had to make it happen. So I’ve taken my knowledge of the film business, and placed that into the world of music.” -Isaac Paul.

Marc Schneider, 22 years old, a Colorado to Los Angeles transplant is also in the film industry, from screenwriting to editing, his aspirations have always been to direct, but growing up in a family of musicians, music has been a staple of his pastime, and a way to release creative overflow.

Enter Nate Schneider, Marc’s older brother, and also an aspiring filmmaker. Nate joined Lionhart as their lead guitarist. Nate and Marc have, since childhood, collaborated on nearly everything they’ve ever creatively partook in, but this is the first time that they have been in the same band.

One thing these three fellows have in common, besides practically everything; is a strong sense of storytelling, so they wanted to make sure that Lionhart’s album “In Waves” showcased their ability to tell a story. “I believe religion and arts go hand in hand, no matter the religion or art form, both are faith in an idea that there is more to life than what can be seen.” – Marc Schneider

Lionhart’s debut album “In Waves” tells a story that would be fitting for an epic trilogy on the silver screen. With three albums planned out, this first installment focuses on the struggles that the main character, Ellis Lionhart encounters through the loss of his wife and child, and the confrontation with a fellow “brother of the king”, our antagonist, the British Colonist – Connor Hemsworth.

Marc Schneider, on why Lionhart has decided to crowdfund instead of try to land a traditional label; “Because music is, and has always been my release from the stress of everyday life, we decided we wanted to create this album ourselves, so that the music in the story will not be determined by what a broader audience might enjoy, but rather what I, myself will enjoy, because we believe that the best music comes organically.”

Lionhart considers themselves a “Made in the USA” band, by doing thing’s their way, for the craft of it, and to make the best product that they can. As such, they’ve partnered up with clothing company The Rising Sun Mfg Co. based in Eagle Rock, CA. who create handmade clothing, much in the way Lionhart is creating their music. The band have also been vocal supporters of another Kickstarter, The Bluelaces Project, who have raised to date, $118k of their $25k goal, where blue shoe laces are being produced by a US manufacturer to show store owners that there is a demand for US made goods.

Lionhart’s debut album “In Waves” will be recorded at legendary studio Fourth Street Recording in Santa Monica, CA. With the help of crowd funding and the band’s various supporters, including visionary artist; Cher Lyn of Mystic Art Medicine, who created an original canvas painting to depict the bands album cover (which is available through their Kickstarter campaign), the album will finish recording in early 2014.

Those interested in learning more about Lionhart and supporting their journey, should visit their Kickstarter project page here:

Lionhart: A Filmmakers Story turned Folk Rock Album

For more information about what we’re doing, or to schedule an interview with Isaac Paul or Marc Schneider, please contact:

Isaac Paul
Pigeon Tree Productions
C: 310-486-2766