Fatal Moon is a psychological Yaoi horror Omegaverse manga about a high school student and his friends doing what every teenager would do, survive the apocalypse! In Grimoire Tokyo, in Neo Japan, demons are treated no better than wild animals by humans. No one cares that two cat girls get impaled through the chest on their way to school, and schools are segregated into humans and demons. Humans are not allowed to interact with demons.

Join him and a cast of colorful characters as they live out their lives under the fatal moon. The apocalypse Ranmaru and his friends cause indirectly restarts the battle between heaven, hell and humanity since the days of the prequel novel Fatal Moon Angels Axia. God is a vengeful being and empowers her priests with state of the art holy weapons to combat the demonic heroes of old. Join Satan and his generals along with his twelve sons as they fight against the forces of God all while Ranmaru tries to live another day!

Twists and turns abound in Fatal Moon, from devilish pop star divas to demonic Jrockers, there’s nothing in this world that isn’t too over the top or insanely fun to experience! Ranmaru and his friends have to navigate their new life in a world filled with zombies that want to rip their souls out, flying bunnies, giant pink teddy bears that shoot rocket launchers, crazy cult leader high school teachers, werewolves having tea parties with unicorns, evil toast! Talking plants, priests that eat donuts at cafes while the undead roam around outside! Evil toilets! A band of demons that only plays in a gas station bathroom on Fridays at midnight who holds the key to defeating a greater evil! So much awaits in Fatal Moon, from beautiful boys and more come check it out today!