Fat cats, Scott Norris and George Stetar of 830 Studios, have gone to Kickstarter to raise funds for the production of their expanded line of Fat Cat plush.  Having introduced these plush to the American market in July, 2013, 830 Studios found that demand for the plush was far more than they had hoped, leading them to look for crowd-funding for their project. With more than 115,000 daily followers on their Facebook page and website, they have captured the attention of cat lovers all over the world.

fat cat kickstarter

Started in Germany by artist Olivia Vieweg, Dicke Katze (”fat” or “wide” Cats in English) has 3 hilarious books– “Why Cats Are Better Than Humans,” “Why Cats Never Go On A Diet” and “Why Cats Are Better Than Men”–that have sold over 20,000 copies in Germany alone, and are now offered on dickekatze.com as e-books, or hard-cover in English and Spanish. 830 Studios obtained the license for the property in January, 2013, and introduced the cats to the rest of the world via social media. Now 830 Studios is asking Kickstarter supporters to help them raise $12,000 to help them produce enough Fat Cats to fulfill their orders to retail chains and direct consumers.

dicke katze

Dicke Katze plush come in 8-colors: white, black, red, orange, gray, purple, pink and green

The Fat Cats come in three sizes: 9” inch, 5” inch, and the 3” inch which comes with a keychain or suction cup. There are eight different colors offered for the first line of production with more to follow. The Kickstarter campaign also features an “exclusive Rainbow plush” for a specific reward level that really sweetens the deal!

Scott Norris and George Stetar teamed up to create 830 Studios in January of 2013 after having worked together at Hidden City Games and the Bella Sara Company—and on such entertainment and game brands as Ultra PRO, Bella Sara, Magic, D&D, Pokémon, Milton Bradley & Parker Brothers. Scott, with a technical and creative background, and George, with a background in global sales and licensing, stumbled across Dicke Katze and decided  they wanted to share it with others. It turned out that with more than 86 million cat owners in the U.S. alone, Fat Cats became an instant hit due to their humorous daily postings on Facebook and their promotions of Alter Ego Cat Drawings on their dickekatze.com website.

fat cats2noo cat




“The response we’ve gotten from our Facebook fans about the Fat Cat postings has been incredible!” said George Stetar, partner and Fat Cat at 830 Studios. “Having built, marketed, and taken other brands global over the years, this is the first one that I’m actually having loads of fun with.  It’s mainly due to our wonderful interaction with our passionate cat lovers from around the globe and their unbiased love for Fat Cats.”

“This is one of the most fun projects I have ever worked on,” said Scott Norris, the other Fat Cat at 830 Studios. “The audience is so engaged and so responsive. I think people connect these crazy fat cats with their own cats, weight-challenged or not.”

“The partnership  George and I have is so perfect.”  Scott continues. “Our skills cover a lot of ground, but at the same time we have very compatible styles and like to take action. We are optimistic and energetic, but practical. I’m excited about the future ahead for Dicke Katze and so happy we can work with such talented artists like Olivia.”

Dicke Katze Kickstarter

Dicke Katze plush and books on display at the California Gift Show in July

To make things even better, 830 Studios is giving a portion of all their plush sales to shelters in their local areas and around the world in order to help the thousands of cats in need.  What more reason could you need to support the 830 Studios campaign?

Check out the Dicke Katze Kickstarter campaign and get your chance to become one of the first in North America to get your own Dicke Katze plush.

#DickeKatze, #FatCats, #DickeKatzeKickstarter

If you would like more information about the Fat Cat project contact George Stetar (George@830studios.com ) or Scott Norris (scott@830studios.com ).