Americans may not need to look to Great Britain for the next big YA fantasy adventure story. Aspiring writer Lin Lin of New Jersey might be the next J.K. Rowling in the making, and she needs your help to turn that prospect into a reality. Raising $5,000 in less than 30 days is a challenging task, but it needs to be done in order to get the novel into the best possible condition.

Lin has harbored a dream of becoming a novelist since the tender age of 14. When she was 17, her family moved from Mainland China to US in searching for a better life. Language barrier, culture difference, and countless life struggles did not shatter her spirit. Instead, they became the source of her inspiration, and fuel to pursue her dream.

Who says fairy tales are for young minds only? The driving force behind this Epic Fantasy Adventure Novel is to build an imaginary world that both young and old would love to visit. It is a tale of mystery, betrayal, love and hope told through the scope of a majestic setting. The story explores different aspects of love, and also deals with themes such as morality, faith and courage to challenge the impossible.

About the story

Two forces race to find ShangeLilar – the last paradise on earth. One seeks to claim the crown jewel, the Eye of Phoenix, for its avaricious desire. The other strives to defend the sacred soil from turmoil, preserve its unparalleled goodness and beauty. A few know the secret behind the precious stone: whoever possesses the treasure shall obtain eternal youth and power to rule the paradise. However, the stone is the life source of Lady Sarah, the Princess of ShangeLilar. Without its protection, Sarah will perish. To save the woman he loves, protagonist Arden Dearborn risks his life. He teams up with a group of unlikely companions, overcomes all kinds of unimaginable hardships and obstacles. His quest puts loyalty, trust, and friendship to the test. Ultimately, Arden has to confront his worst fear alone, and the price of love may be his life.

Kickstarter campaigns operate under an “all-or-nothing” funding model so if the project doesn’t reach its goal of $5000 on January 2, 2016, this amazing story will not get funded. Be sure to follow Lin Lin on WordPress and Facebook to track her progress and make sure to spread the word to your social media networks. Consider donating as little as $5 to help her project come to life. If you decide to donate more, you might enjoy some wonderful rewards, please check out her Kickstarter Project  site: