Do you know 2 women today are facing another 7 years in prison charged & sentenced 4 Witchcraft ?

Those 2 women are in Canada, but the Time & Trials of persecuting women, burning us at the stake 4 the crime of Witchcraft has not been left behind in 1692 @ Salem Massachusetts!

Expose & End the Violation of Women. Donate now  2 The Fallopian Collection©

All donations R Tax Deductible

Here , Now, 2015, just a couple months ago on a US broadcast syndicated news show, a prominent, white male evangelist attributed eating disorders in women 2 nothing more than demonic possessions that simply require an exorcism & then renowned belief in Jesus Christ. The Fallopian Collection©, is a timely exploration of the stages, complexities and controversies that links women to mental illness, witchcraft , demonology and ultimately, discrimination.

Donate now 2 The Fallopian Collection©

I’m a professional visual artist working and residing in the Tampa Bay area. My art has been featured at the Tampa Museum of Art, The Amelia Arena, The Carrollwood Cultural Center and numerous other private galleries, festivals, and art exhibitions. Primarily working in mixed media, a recurring thematic element of the majority of my art is women and issues that affect us.

Recently selected & Now Underway, national non profit arts organization, Hatchfund, is hosting LIVE CrowdFunding 4 this noteworthy project 2 gain funding.

All Donations are Tax Deductible.

I am reaching out to foundations, organizations, and individuals that will have a common interest supporting my artistic endeavor. Show your support of The Fallopian Collection. first and foremost, by making a tax deductible donation to help fund the project ensuring the completion and exhibition.
Secondly, U will bring awareness by sharing the press release link provided below with mutual, like minded organizations and individuals with a genuine interest in supporting women, feminism and the arts in our community.

Fundraising Ends August! 1st 3 to Donate Receive Surprise Perk. Subscribe now 4 future Updates on The Fallopian Collection.

Please let me know of your interest & if you would like to receive additional information regarding the Fallopian Collection.


Lisa Deneka
MiXeD MeDiA MaYheM