The Faithful & the Faithless – The groundbreaking documentary by Dutch Irish Films, is now live on IndieGoGo! This film is a difficult yet necessary look at how humanity around the globe is being changed, impacted, rewarded, segregated, punished, etc., because of religion or nonreligion. But, we also look at this paradox of individuals’ comfort, support, love, hope and contentment from people’s faith or faithlessness. We give persons the chance to discuss their beliefs or nonbeliefs with those that are in other “camps.” They’ll be given the chance and platform to persuade the audience and possibly sway one another in their relating why they are inspired and live by this most important part of their lives. Some of them and some of the audience may find themselves changing some of their longtime opinions or even convictions.

A QUESTION FOR YOU: “Opportunity to evangelize”- you decide:

a.) stay inside your comfort zone and relate with only those who think and believe as you do?

b.) go outside your comfortable, homogeneous zone and reach out to those who have different beliefs? Seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it? However, the comfortable, homogenous zone and fellow ” like believers” tend to be the invitees and attendees in “evangelical gatherings”.

With any efforts to try and get someone with a different belief system than yours to possibly accept and practice yours, don’t you think the first and best step is to actually listen to them about theirs?

People tend to ignore, shun and get defensive when factual growth trends in beliefs different from theirs are increasing. Does ignoring these rising tides make them go away? Is keeping yourself insular going to help your cause? Is blaming and labeling the messenger right?

A lot of religious people become insular and “circle the wagons.” Is yours one that actually calls for you to go out into to the world of nonbelievers and try to reach them with your faith? Listen to people of other faiths or no faith….nonbelievers will have a platform in this film to give their own reasons why they don’t believe. They have their reasons, which you may or may not agree with. Listening to perspectives is the first and most important step in starting any dialogue. People are individuals; they have different reasons where they stand on faith… “For” or “Against” are simply the top-down , macro-labels. It’s what falls under these labels that we will explore- individuals, the families, their reasons, their biases, etc. There is NO ONE WAY to reach all people.

This film will NOT be a stereotypical, “lecture by repetitive anecdotes and statistics.” The moods will change with what is going on in the film at that time. We are using innovative and cutting edge techniques and technology to enhance and bring those moods and tones to the audience. Music and sound will be integral parts, as well as varying film speeds, angles and colors. This will be an artistic and energetic film.

Please take a moment to share our film with friends and family so we can reach our goal! Thank you!