Berlin, Germany — October 2015 | With the idea to lend expansive toys monthly for a small price, the way began for Sebastian Schreiber (22) into the start-up scene and also the foundation of “Tauschfuchs”. Behind the plan stand an online-service, who allow families to lend their lovely toys in a box for a month and to exchange next month for new toys. With that families should save a lot of money, time and toy garbage.

By the evaluation of a study at the college of founder Sebastian, he had to ascertain that a big component of the garbage in Germany of plastic garbage and also of toy garbage existed. A better contact with toys had to go here and with it originated the idea to exchange toys monthly, if the child has become too big or simply has no more desire on it. Therefore became the start-up “Tauschfuchs” founded on august, 2015. With the target to help families by the toy purchase.

Already with the foundation the founders set high graduations in fairness, sustainability and transparency, for example saving long ways of delivery and use companies nearby to reduce the CO2 output. For the cleaning we only use organic and sustainable cleaning supplies. Also it should be a social business to do good things for the general public and not for the profit orientation.

Good toys for a good price and this independent of the income from the parents. So that we will reach this targets, the founders have developed a price draught where families can borrow for a firm monthly price, different toys independent how high the price of all toys is together.

The plan of “Tauschfuchs” should be financed by a crowdfunding project on Kickstarter. A total of 35.000€ are required. With the money from the Kickstarter project we will provide a family-friendly online-service and a huge range of toys in our stock. These toys should be checked and tested specifically by children, to set the optimum age of each toy.

Use toys again more sensibly and save the environment, but also help with it parents and children. That want founder Sebastian with his team of “Tauschfuchs” to create and put a positive example of fair and sustainable business ideas.

Press Contact:

Sebastian Schreiber
Weserstrasse 14
15370 Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf
Tel. 0157 / 35782011