FACEMA.SK specializes in talking about what is taboo, considered off-limits or too edgy by most and in promotion of being oneself, not for the sake of oneself, but for the sake of not getting outed as fraud in front of the entire world.

Within the first couple months of starting the movement, FACEMA.SK had been arrested, twice.

With the experience garnered through nineteen years of varied living, FACEMA.SK plans to release an EP titled “SELFISH LOVER”.

With topical rhymes, he addresses issues that most popular rap songs stray far away from, being chained to labels and radio restrictions.

His beats on this project are something that haven’t been done yet. His samples come from tracks that have never been used in rap or hip-hop with a flow unique to the rap game.

This project will specialize in talking about the taboo, and presenting it in a quick, witty and clever way. In a way that will make the listener sit back and question the societal norms he or she is so accustomed to. This is interesting because we can hardly go a month without hearing stories about rappers getting caught up in extraneous drama. This is interesting, because it gets into real issues faced by real people, less in an emotionally charged manner but through a critical political lens.

This EP is for teenagers who are trapped within the daily angst of becoming someone they aren’t, versus impressing people who aren’t even who they say they are.

This EP is about reality versus fantasy. Each song touches one specific element of self actualization and separating real from fraud.

Even the grittiest of gangster rappers admit: “Trap life is immature”, “I used to carry around bands of cash when I was being a stupid kid.”

The rap game is getting exposed on a regular basis, with world famous artists being brought back down to reality after being arrested, indited, and held in prison. Among the most popular are Brooklyn-based rapper Bobby Shmurda, and Chicago drill rapper RONDONUMBANINE. After a sixty-nine page indictment had been released detailing the criminal inter-workings of the GS9 crip gang, most of its members find themselves locked up with no label to come and bail them out.

“My last two mixtapes were mistakes,” he [Chief Keef] admits. “I was on promethazine, all drugged out. I was tweaking. I don’t sip the lean no more though.” SOURCE: billboard.com.

Even in Jay Z’ “DECODED” he admits to not wanting to have to had started trapping & selling crack. It was something that came about through necessity. It lead to him having to shoot his own family member at the ripe age of twelve.

The SELFISH LOVER EP is a project that is influenced by the lyrical slyness of MF DOOM, the musical background of Hideki Taniuchi, and the art style of an overzealous couple of older teenagers who have a message to be heard. Expected release date is late October 2015.

You can help fund this project here: www.indiegogo.com

If you’d like more information about this musical release, or to schedule an interview with FACEMA.SK, please contact him by email at FACEMA.SK at clarisse@protonmail.ch

the author