The social marketplace begins its second business year with a campaign on the international crowdfunding platform Indiegogo. The campaign began January 21st and has already gained attention in press, media, and within the blogging community. Running for a total of 60 days, anyone can support with donations starting from $ 3 or simply by sharing the campaign on social media and other communication tools. was founded by Frank de Vries and Ossian Vogel as a free commercial platform for small businesses and freelancers. The website went live in February 2013 in an early Beta version. Now it is available in 7 languages and has registered users from over 85 countries.

With funds collected from the Indiegogo campaign, will keep the services free of charge and will improve the existing functions. “By March 2014 we would like to develop a full mobile version. Furthermore, we are focusing on a “local search” function to help users find ezebee Showrooms in their area. We will also expand our services to other languages and are working on new value added functions such as a quotation and invoice module and specific search of suppliers and partners.”, reports Ossian Vogel, CEO and in charge of technical development.

Until now the platform was funded by the owners. Thanks to Indiegogo, will obtain additional financial support. Frank de Vries, CFO, about the crowdfunding campaign: “We have already helped a lot of people to help themselves with our project all over the world. Now we need their support and I am sure our Indiegogo campaign will be well received and will generate a united effect. After all, there are thousands of us on already and we can all give our support with small donations or just by spreading the word!”

Visit ezebee on Indiegogo today and help small businesses worldwide!

the author is an international marketplace platform for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Creative-minded people from around the world can open a free online shop in minutes, and with no posting or commission fees, limits costs so business owners can put that money back into their business.