Excelsior Launches on Kickstarter

2Die10 Games is proud to announce the launch of our Kickstarter for our new pen and paper role playing game: Excelsior!  Excelsior takes place during the Industrial Revolution, where man has reached out to the further reaches of the globe to find the resources and land to support the population explosion brought on by advances in technology and  medicine.  A group of explorers end up in a place not on any known map, and must deal with all the internal and external dangers that go along with being there. Within the setting, we’re trying to offer something that stays a little closer to the works of literature that inspire the Steampunk movement like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Here are some additional details on what we’re offering:

  •  A  proprietary percentile skill and combat system that’s easy for first time pen and paper RPG players to pick up along with some new mechanics that seasoned gamers will find interesting.
  •  A unique system for player constructed inventions.
  •  Biomechanics and other less invasive enhancements such has night vision monocles!
  •  Separate sections of the core book for GMs as well as a Bestiary.
  •  Art by renowned RPG industry artists Mark Dudley and John Zeleznik

We allow you, our supporters to get involved in the game in a variety of ways, from naming one of the narrators on the journey to Excelsior, naming prominent NPC’s there, and much more! Visit us now at our Kickstarter page and check us out! We appreciate your support!