Evil Diva Announces KickStarter campaign to  fund the first in a series of novels

Media contact:
Peter Menotti
Modul8tion Media

Evil Diva Announces KickStarter campaign to fund the first in a series of novels

Hit Comic seeks funding to expand license reach

Los Angeles, CA – July 15, 2013 – Team Evil Diva announced today they will seek funding through KickStarter for the first in a line of Evil Diva adventure novels in order to expand both consumer reach and license potential. A four part series is anticipated. The first novel is tentatively titled Evil Diva and the Magic Sceptre.

Our story begins with Diva, a 13 year old devil girl with a fatal flaw: she feels compelled to do good deeds. This conflict brings her to the attention Mr. Virgil, the only human in the netherworld. After noticing that Diva possesses the same balance of good and evil as he does, Mr. Virgil entrusts her with the Magic Sceptre. Since it comes with no instructions, she must figure it out on her own. The immense power of the wand enables Diva to become a superhero. But she soon finds that great power comes at a great price.

This four part journey takes place as Diva matures from an awkward 13 year old to a confident 23 year old while she unlocks the sceptre’s true purpose and ultimately uncovers the source of its vast power. Utilizing scripts written for the popular comic, Team Evil Diva is planning to edit the material into a more cohesive and detailed package. After completion, the team will print 3000 copies and distribute the book through traditional booksellers, as well as offer the novel through digital outlets.

The beloved comic has ranked as high as #2 on Top Web Comics, and is enjoying a resurgence after an extended hiatus. It was recently chosen for distribution by Diamond. Graphic novels of the anthologies are available for purchase at comic book stores nationwide.

Please visit www.kickstarter.com/projects/2037748484/evil-diva-novel (http://goo.gl/qgHL8) for more information. Current Evil Diva content can be viewed at www.evildivacomics.com. Further questions can be answered by Peter Menotti at petem@modul8tion.com

Evil Diva was created by Peter Menotti through his creative services media company, Modul8tion. Originally envisioned as a simple story for his daughter, Menotti’s vision was realized by head witer, Joe Cashman. Over the last 5 years it has evolved into a detailed fantasy world encompassing mythological and Judeo-Christian characters and lore where angels and devils live side by side.

the author

Former Creative Director for Virgin Interactive, Pete Menotti is a successful designer of branding & advertising media for a wide range of top digital entertainment franchises. Pete is also the recipient of three Thea awards for his media and interactive work in the themed entertainment industry. He’s a self-professed ‘Uber Geek’ and considered by his peers to be one of the most resourceful and inventive people in the interactive media business. If he can’t find a technology available to complete your project, then chances are he can invent it for you. Over the last 5 years, Peter has spent every minute of free time creating and publishing the hit comic Evil Diva.