Era: The Consortium is a unique science fiction role playing game that allows for campaigns set anywhere within the rich 500-year history detailed in the core rule book. The story focuses on the inhabitants of Taranis, a world populated by settlers who arrived in a Colony Ship from Earth many centuries ago, as well as several alien species.

In the first expansion for the RPG, the secret history behind the Consortium is revealed in more detail than ever before. Throughout the colony’s existence, elite operatives called ‘Shades’ have been manipulating events through murder, blackmail and theft. Backed by Hayden Bank’s powerful corporate infrastructure, they have access to the kind of high-tech weapons, armour and equipment other factions haven’t even heard about.

All is not lost, however: standing against the Shades is a corps of ‘Phantoms’, specially-trained troops created by the Resistance to track down these dangerous enemies and prevent them from successfully completing their missions.

Era: The Consortium – The Secret War offers players the opportunity to play Shades or Phantoms, covertly influencing history on a global – and in some cases even galactic – scale. This expansion doesn’t only contain the necessary background to run an unlimited number of sessions set in this extraordinary universe, but also two full campaigns ready to be inserted in almost any of the Consortium time periods, detailed information on the sinister Benjamin Hayden, brand-new equipment, amazing implants and stats for Shade Vessels, some of the only known existing stealth ships capable of travelling completely undetectably.

Please visit our Kickstarter page to watch Era: The Consortium videos and find out a lot more about the game setting, the rules system and the company, Shades of Vengeance – share the news with your audience and get back to us for interviews, reviews and competitions.

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+32 (0)494 38 27 44

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