Devious Devices turns to crowdfunding to release its first game. The creators of Epic Picnic, “the morally-bankrupt card game,” aim to turn a verbal children’s game into an irreverent fast-paced game for adults. Game designers Eric Cesare and Anthony Rando, who formed the tabletop game company Devious Devices in June of 2013, have launched the campaign to fund the release of their first game, Epic Picnic, on March 16, 2014.

The creators based their idea on a verbal memory game that they played as children, a game which started out with a player saying, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m going to bring…” and continuing to recite what each other player is bringing. According to the creators, they took this game from their childhood and “corrupted it with humor from our adult life.”

The game uses cards describing unusual—and, at times, vulgar—things, coupled with a stacking mechanic to hide card text, leaving only a single letter per card visible as a clue. As the stack grows, players take turns reciting cards from memory, one per player per turn, until someone forgets a card and leaves the round. The last player left wins the round and collects cards as points. After a number of rounds the player with the highest point total wins the game.

The game has been extensively playtested by dozens of gamers and reviewers, and has been likened to fellow adult-oriented game Cards Against Humanity in content, although the whimsical artistic themes of Epic Picnic are a stark contrast to what most gamers are used to seeing in adult games.

The Kickstarter campaign features a retail version of the game for $20.00, which includes shipping to the continental US and all stretch goals. Art and design has been completed before the launch on Kickstarter; when funded, Epic Picnic is tentatively scheduled for a release in the second quarter of 2014.

For more information about Epic Picnic, or to schedule an interview with the designers, please contact Devious Devices at

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