On February 3 the new crowdfunding site CreativeJump.org launched. Creative Jump is Founded by professionals from the Entertainment, and Publishing, industries. When asked what makes it different from other crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo, They answered. “We didn’t want to reinvent the wheel, we just wanted to create a better wheel. Creative jumps benefits are that every campaign gets a professional strategist as well as promotion consultant. Every campaigns will be featured on the front page at some point everyday so to ensure visibility.. It doesn’t matter if you have a huge following or no following at all. All Campaigns are promoted on social media as well as will have press releases distributed announcing their campaigns.”

Creative jump promises easy sign up as well as an easy backing Platform. Like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, Running a campaign is free. The platform fee, which is said to be the lowest in the industry, is collected at the end of campaign.

One of the things that may make many campaign owners happy is that all money raised goes to the campaign owner regardless of if they hit their goal or not.

The kind of projects funded are creative base such as. Comic Books, Graphic Novels, Indie Films, Web Series, Books, Technology, Fashion, Innovative product designs. and more. Creative Jump doesn’t crowdfund charities. They do however work with special community campaigns like the fallen Firemen Campaign that will Launch a couple of months.

For more Information visit: CreativeJump.org and click on “How it Works” or “About”