Kassim Norris, filmmaker, turns to alternative funding sources for  feature film, Adore the Wolf, a narrative story inspired by his own life experiences.

Noblesville, IN (WEB) September 23, 2014 Independent filmmaker, Kassim Norris is turning to Internet to raise funds for feature film project, Adore the Wolf, a narrative film that explores the grief a boy experiences after his father’s death. With funding as the first major obstacle to getting any film off the ground, current economic conditions don’t make the job any easier. Filmmakers have to become more innovative in their fundraising tactics, and the independent filmmakers have embraced sites like Indiegogo.

Norris’s film has an 18-day fundraising window, from start to finish. The film’s budget ($50,500) includes paying for actors, locations, props, wardrobe, equipment rental, sound, travel & lodging expenses, and food for the cast and crew. It also includes marketing and submission fees for film festival entries. “This film is important for me to complete because the story was inspired by my life after my father was murdered.” The film is filled with culture, color, and raw truth. Kassim believes that color is the most universal language in expressing emotion and intends to replace most of the dialogue with high contrast visuals, rich colors, and strong shadow details. “This isn’t your traditional narrative film, my goal is for this work to be considered an artwork.”

Norris was recently selected by the Arts Council of Indianapolis for the 2015 Beckmann Emerging Artist Fellowship which awards two $3,500 fellowships each year to qualified and talented artists in music, dance, theatre, literature, media and/or the visual arts. This grant will assist the production of Adore the Wolf. To learn more about the film, readers can visit the project’s pitch page by clicking on the Adore the Wolf tab at: www.kyoshiart.com.

Kassim Norris
Kyoshi LLC