bigger game iconHey, I am the developer of Elite Marines FPS. This is a great FPS that can get released on the ouya with your backer help. Right now we have 60,000 Players and that is great, but we would like to grow more. Check out the project link
The kickstarter link will help us in so many ways to expand and develop the game more that we can reach so many players. This would be great for your guys help. I have been developing game for 3 years now so you can trust me 🙂

This is a funding project that we need so we can improve the game, and do so much more with it. Add more Features and just improve it in so many ways. Elite Marines is an FPS Military shooter and your mission is to eliminate other enemy players. The Video Game Elite Marines has 5 Maps, Over 60,000 Players, and nine weapons including explosives, machine guns, and sniper rifles, and much more.
We just need your help to add more! We need more expansion to the game so help come on guys we can do it together!

Why we used Kick starter:

We used and need kick starter for better and stronger funding and development. If we get backers on kick starter we can get so much more to our game. Including major expansions. This can even help us expand the game to more networks and consoles. You can be part of the game as well. Get in the credits by checking the kick starter link. This would be a huge step for the game so come on help us make it that way! Make sure to fund our game we need it for making Elite Marines the biggest.

The Future of the Game:
Elite Marines can be a huge console game with backer help (you) and if we receive backers it would be great future and massive game development. We would even like to have more than 60,000 players on the game, and you guys can make it be achieved. This would be great come on guys lets do this!

The Conclusion:
We want you guys to help get the game huge and to help make the game be the next massive FPS that everyone must have. Come on help us make it that way! You guys are the future of the game so help make it major future! Thanks, Aidan Developer of Elite Marines.