Education Through Games ~ The Trail West

Hello my name is Allen Richardson,

I started making games about 3 years ago to help pay my way through college. Now I want to help others learn in a way that is fun and simple.

I want to remake the Android game “The Trail West” to be an educational game on PC, Android, and possibly iOS.
“The Trail West” is a bridge building and dam building simulation game. With the bridge building, you have to use a set amount of girders to span a gap. On the dam building levels you have to use rocks beside the river to build a dam across the river that will stop the water. The game is themed with the Oregon Trail.
What I want to do is add an educational overlay to the game. When a bridge breaks, I want to explain the basic physics of why it broke. As the player “travels” through the levels, I want to add history and allow the player to explore the hardships the pioneers endured while heading West.

I have procured the help of a teacher, Jason Hubler, to make the educational content for the game. He has done an awesome job, and now it is my turn. I want to overhaul the entire game to make it run better, look prettier, and be available on as many platforms as possible ad-free so students and teachers can use it in schools.
Check out my Kickstarter campaign for more information!