Why the fundraising?

This young lady, Jen, is near the top of her grade in terms of marks and is thriving academically, emotionally and socially. But her education is at risk because of financial problems.

Jen’s parents are struggling to afford the fees. If they can’t make a payment soon, Jen will have to go to a school that will not challenge her as much mentally or academically which will have a detrimental effect on her education and my daughter will lose access to a dear friend. In fact, the only alternative schools to send her to are poorly managed and have very poor educational track records.

The knowledge of their situation first came to me “unofficially” as Jen’s father puts great stock in his responsibility to his family, and feels that asking for help would be seen as a failure. I’ve managed to talk to him about it and he’s been unemployed for a couple of months after being retrenched from his previous employer during this period of economic uncertainty. Unemployment benefits don’t go a long way and barely cover their basic living costs (heck, sometimes my I feel the same way and I get a salary – I don’t know how they manage to make a plan)

Her mom is basically a stay at home mother who does occasional house cleaning work to supplement the household income.

He’s gone for a couple of interviews and is optimistic to be earning an income again soon.

How to secure her Education

If we can raise the funds to settle her outstanding fees, and hopefully pay for the rest of the year, Jen’s parents can focus on putting food on the table and getting him to interviews.

I’m asking for $2000 which will settle the fees for this year, including interest on the outstanding amount, There will be a little bit left over for them to restock on school clothes and stationary as well as to use for a school trip coming up later this year.

Even if you are not in a position to donate financially (it’s a tough time for lots of people — setting up this FundAnything is honestly the best contribution I can make) please could you share the story on your social networks and spread the word.

See more at: fundanything.com