Please help me give back to the community! I have created this campaign in the hopes of generating some funds for me to go to college for my RN license. A little bit about me: I am a licensed paramedic, and am currently residing in Arizona. I live with my beautiful fiance and daughter, who will be three in February (she is the one in the campaign picture). Ever since the first day I started working in the medical field, I knew there was nowhere else I was meant to be. The amazing feeling I get when somebody truly looks into your eyes and thanks you for the service you were able to provide cannot be explained. If you have felt this, you know what I am talking about.

I currently work in a hospital in the neurology department and I can easily say it is one of the most fun jobs I have had. I love learning and I am excited to further my knowledge and career in this field. RN school is the next step in my journey, however it is not exactly cheap. I have to say that I love being a paramedic, but unfortunately the pay leaves a lot to be desired. I am still currently paying off my school loan for medic school, and I would ultimately like to go to either Carrington College or University of Arizona for my RN education. These are very expensive, and I understand I may need to go to the community college instead for the sake of saving money.

I am simply reaching out because I know there are people out there that are a little bit more financially stable than others, and I was hoping that furthering my education so that I can give back to the community would be something worth investing in. I am exhausting all possible resources as well, everything from possible scholarships to financial aid. I will be in the medical field for the rest of my life, and likely most of that will be in the emergency department. I also plan to be an educator once I have the necessary experience and can help teach people and bring other amazing people into this field. Every single penny I get will be going strictly to tuition costs. I will be working the entire time I am in school and would never ask anybody to help pay for anything other than tuition. If you feel so compelled to donate, just please know that it is going to a good cause and it will immediately help to better the community. I am finishing my last prerequisite in three weeks and hope to have my application in by February of 2018.

I ask for your hand and help in this journey, so that I can then extend my hand out to help others in need. With your help, I can achieve my dream of not only helping patients in need of medical attention but bringing countless others into the medical field as well. I am not asking anybody that is struggling to get by for a penny, however, if you have a little bit of money to spare – even if its just one dollar – and want it to go to a good cause I can assure you that this will be worth while.

If you have questions or any sort of suggestions, you can feel free to contact me directly through this campaign and I will provide my direct contact information. If you are so kind to donate and are interested, I will be happy to personally keep in touch throughout this journey and have you along for the ride so you can see that your money indeed did go to a good cause. MOST OF ALL, if you cannot contribute at this time, know that I still appreciate you taking the time to read my story, and if you could simply click the share button and spread the word, I would be immensely grateful! Thank you for reading, and thank you for any and all assistance!