A free educational gaming platform for all school years, languages and countries where children can learn by enjoying and playing games

About this project

I am a working father of two kids and want from my kids to study every day, but my kids want to play the whole day.

Every time I asked my son if he did study today, he tells me: yes I finished my homework. But is this enough? Does homework let him understand everything he gets on school? Does it give him a high degrees? Or we should search for something else to help him be a successful student?

There are many websites on the Internet which give a good education, but most of them are boring for the children or too expensive!!!

As a parent I want my kids to get the best education they can ever have, but sometimes its too expensive and with unknown results.

I have already registered my children for an education website where they can learn by playing games, its too expensive, but very handy and I can pay for it.

But what about other parents? Can they pay for these games? and does they know how important they are to there children?

These questions guided me to an idea to help other parents for free, and with your help we can make the best gaming education web site, which can help children to enjoy learning while they are playing.

I believe that all children in the world deserve a good education because they are the future and when they get the right education we/they will get a comfortable future.

I am Haydar Alkadhimi, the head of a web development company who has helped a lot of other companies to make a successful web based business and ready to help our children to have the best education they deserve.

My idea is to make a gaming education web application to our, your and others children all over the world, with the help of local universities. This application will also be available in all languages and education methods.

If you believe that this is an easy job, I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong, its a very difficult job and have many technical problems. per example:

We want our application to be an international education gaming website, this means that we will face some issues to deal with. One of these issues is:

Every country has its own education methods and language.

Per example the language in Iraq is Arabic, to write abi in Arabic (which means father) you will need to write the following three letters from right to left and you will also need to connect these letters to each other.

And the language in The Netherlands is dutch, and when you write Aap in the Netherlands (which mean monkey) you will need to write tow letters Aa (which is double A) and P, but you will need to write it from left to right (like most of the words languages) and as you can see the letters are separated.

To solve this issue, we have decoded to bind every profile to two properties country and school year. This will bind all games to these properties and will lead a fourth class student living in The Netherlands to other games than a fourth class student living in Iraq.

The other big issue is contacting universities, its too expensive and needs a lot of human resources per example by traveling to the countries of these universities. But this will be possible with your help by funding this project.

What is it?

– An open source education gaming platform for all school years, languages and countries.
– Children can learn by playing, this is the best way to get the school lessens inside the children heads without any difficulty.
– Free registration for children, schools and parents
– Universities should participate by contacting them and going to them with the idea.

Who can use it?

– Children in elementary school (at the beginning)
– Parents of these children.
– Schools and class teachers of these children.
– Ministries of education in all the countries in the world.

How it works?

– Every country has its own education methods.
– We contact universities in these countries and ask them for help.
– Universities ask students to make education games as graduate projects.

Open source education platform

– PHP/HTML5 based website
– All games will be open source HTML5 based
– Contact universities to participate per example as a graduate project to there IT students.

Registration fees

– No registration fees applies to anyone.
– Anyone can help will be welcomed.


– No porn materials may be added (even education ones).
– No hate and violence material may be added (even if its an education materials in that country).
